Gibraltar Coins Catalog ( 1841 ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ 2022 )


Printable Full Color Illustrated Gibraltar Coins Catalog 1841 -2022 ( 289 σελίδες ) 2316 Τα νομίσματα αναφέρονται

Κωδικός προϊόντος: CC85823 Κατηγορία:


Gibraltar Coins Catalog
Full Color Illustrated Gibraltar Coins Catalog
289 Σελίδες

2316 Τα νομίσματα αναφέρονται
Συμπεριλάβετε νομίσματα από 1841 προς την 2022

Σειρά: 1 CrownNorwegian RAF Squadron WWII 1 CrownWe Will Remember Them 1/10 Crown 1/25 Crown 1/4 Crown 1/5 Crown 10 Pounds 100 Pounds 15 Pounds 1975-TodayMint sets 1975-Today – Σετ απόδειξης 20 Pounds 25 Pounds 32 Crown 40 Crown Five Crown G00Quart (Queen Victoria) G01One Penny G02Two Pence G05Five Pence G10Ten Pence G20Twenty Pence G25 – 25 New Pence G50Fifty Pence G50Fifty Pence (Christmas) G60One Pound G70Two Pounds G70Two Pounds (The Labours of Hercules) G72Three Pounds G75Five Pounds G79 – 50 Pounds G80Half Crown G80One Crown G80One Crown (Centenary of the Cinema) G80One Crown (Evolution of Mankind) G80One Crown (Man on the Moon) G80One Crown (Mythology of the Solar System) G80One Crown (Peter Rabbit Centennial) G80One Crown (Preserve Planet Earth) G80One Crown (Queen’s Birthday) G80One Crown (Queen’s Golden Jubilee) G80One Crown (Sherlock Holmes) G80One Crown (Soccer World CupItaly 1990) G80One Crown (Soccer World CupKorea-Japan 2001) G80One Crown (Soccer World CupUSA 1994) G80One Crown (Summer OlympicsBarcelona) G80One Crown (Summer OlympicsSydney) G80One Crown (The British Royal Houses) G80One Crown (The Queen Mother) G80One Crown (The Victorian Age) G80One Crown (The World at War) G80One Crown (Traders of the World) G80One Crown (Warships of WWII) G80One Crown (Winter OlympicsJapan) G80One Crown (World Cup France 1998) G80One Crown (World War II) G80One Crown (Year of the Ocean) G81 – 1/25 Crown G81 – 1/25 Crown (Evolution of Mankind Series) G82Commemorative ECU G82Two Crowns G90One Royal G91Gram Guinea Norwegian RAF Squadrons WWII Royal Coinage Sovereign Ten Crown

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